Monday, June 8, 2009

A Treatise on the Classification of Various Personas @ IIT Roorkee

Life is a kaleidoscope. And so is College. You meet tons of ppl in life and though, classifying them based on similar characteristics might not be the best of jobs, it is definitely more interesting than counting fingers in a digitized binary image of a hand (Yeah, thats my Summer Project). So out of this utter joblessness and boredom springs out this post, which attempts to classify the crowd at IIT Roorkee (particularly my batch) into discrete sub-classes on the basis of well-defined parameters. Any suggestions or queries regarding the classification are requested to be forwarded to the author through comments. Anyway, here it goes....

a)“Kal Kurt Cobain ki Punya tithi hai” type species: Okay, this one is inspired frm somewhere, but this phrase describes this omnipresent species so aptly that it has to be included in the list. Almost every college has them and in fact the population of this particular species can be used to gauge the supposedly CQ ( “Coolness” Quotient) of that particular institution. These people love Black more than Satan and know it all about all those “hairy” issues. And more than often, these people know only two things more about Nirvana- lyrics of “Smells like Teen Spirits” and the birthday of Kurt Cobain( not to mention,which they celebrate with as much zeal as their gf’s birthday).

b)The Genuine “Kal Kurt Cobain ki Punya Tithi hai” species: Unlike the previous category, these type of people are really rare and are generally found in groups bonding with like-minded people. In fact the fake “Kal Kurt Cobain ki Punya Tithi hai” species had acquired such large numbers in recent times that it was only after some cutting edge research in this field that the existence of this species was established. But yeah, these people do exist and they take pride in themselves like nobody else. Each one of them is above the mundane mundanities of life with the Nirvana lyrics populating approximately 83% of their vocabulary (Yeah, Barney told me abt this). These people also have an uncanny ability to associate at least one Nirvana song with anything under the sun which may be something as insignificant as an eraser or something as significant as an Atom bomb. U name it, n they have it. It is a proven fact now that this species is aloof of all humanity and has serious difficulties in mingling with the members of any other species.

c)”The AT wing waale” species: For the uninitiated, AT (pronounced Aay-Tee)wing happens to be a block in Govind Bhawan (my hostel) at IIT Roorkee, where “A Few Good Men” (its a nice movie!)frm amongst this endless sea of jobless people reside. Undoubtedly, the most hard-working men ever born ,these people happen to be the source of most of the recurring migraine cases on campus. ( I say this only after numerous nukkad conversations with beings of the other branches). Prejudiced to sports, these people have been found to have a strong liking for Projects and the likes. And though, the source of their unwavering self-motivation is yet not known , spies have been already set free (exactly at 6 pm yesterday) to seek the elusive secret. The secret holds promise and may find applications in areas as varied as helping a hopeless failed suicide-attemptee to the pschoanalysis therapy of the Indian Hockey Team.

d)” The Holier-than-thou Branch Changers ” species: Fondly known as the BC’s (Pun intended!)........ exactly 83% of the fondness for them ends then and there. In the words of a certain dude by the name of Abraham Lincoln( 16th President Of United States Of America), these ppl are “ for the books, for the books and for the books”. Though the characteristics of this species might remind you of the “AT wing waale“ species and no doubt they are very similar, the crucial difference lies in the fact that they have been always like this(since birth). And although occassionaly spotted on a Tennis Court or in the T.V room, these sightings are more of an exception than the norm. Other very obvious characteristics are that they have a monopoly over the front seats, are the front-runners in submitting Tutorials and Assignments, sleep well before 12 midnight (Yes, this IS true) and always seem to know the syllabus of the test tommorrow well in advance. In short, they represent what IITians “should” be like but are not.

e) “The Mob” species: These are the “suppossedly” lesser beings on the campus who are neither 9 pointers , don’t have girlfriends (Actually this applies to the previous two species too) and haven’t even approached a single Professor for a Project (Surprise, Surprise!). Always, the first ones to leave for home, this species truly epitomises the –“Koi nahin yaar...Chalta hai” attitude, come what may. Kurt Cobain & Co. are as alien to them as the aliens themselves (No surprise here!) and usually depend on the “AT waale” and the “Holy BC’s” for tutorials and assignments.To nobody’s astonishment, this species comprises the majority of the campus population and in more formal terms is the “sea of jobless ppl” referred to in the third description. However, they do take solace in the fact that they are experts at CS and NFS and that Bill Gates was a college-dropout. When prodded about their out-of-sync lifestyle, they often quote Oscar Wilde,who once famously said-“ The Mob Rules!”.

f) “The Girly Girls” species: Non-existent. (The peculiar non-existence of this particular species can be accounted for by the adjective “Girly”).

g)"The Non-Girly Girls" species: Conspicuous by its extremely small population and sheer looks (Yeah, SHEER LOOKS! Thats all what it takes to identify them), this species is a specialty of the IITs. However, due to some God-Only-Knows reasons, the numbers have slightly increased in the past one year and as of the present day their population is being measured in terms of ppm (parts per million of dudes) instead of ppb (parts per billion of dudes).

As is the case with all the lists,above list is also in no way exhaustive and suggestions for further refinement of the classification would be gratefully accepted and given due credit.

P.S:@”The AT wing waale”
I love you all.

P.P.S:@”The Holier-than-thou BC’s”
I love you too.

P.P.P.S:@"The Girly Girls" Species
I really miss you.

P.P.P.P.S:@"The Non-Girly Girls" Species
Who cares...

Yeah, the Mob does rule!


  1. Brilliant GJ!
    Muaah... What a post!
    Your best ever and really hillarious.

    Btw, "Mob Rules" is a registered trademark of the "Mob" inventor (the undersigned)...Also, "the Mob" (bow all) is a highly revered and honorable group of extremely 'vella' people.
    Still, brilliant post. Please include more categories in the upcoming posts.

    8.58333 (Yes, times change!...)
    The Proud Inventor of 'The Mob' (bow all)

  2. Loll..loll...
    This blog would be an onus for
    Well, this one is really good but I guess this may lead to a case of abduct by BC's and "The few good men".... Be careful my friend...

    Waise, the best part of it was:

    P.S:@”The AT wing waale”
    I love you all.

    P.P.S:@”The Holy BC’s”
    I love you too.

    Yeah, the Mob does rule!


  3. Phodu to tu hai hi abe to phodu phodu blog bhi likh raha hai.........

    But kuch jayada reapect hogayi hai kuch logo ki pata nahi dijest hogi ke nahi.....

    and u still need to answer what category we belong to..........

  4. kuch spelling mistakes hai
    dijest= digest

  5. nice .....similar stuff at nit surathkal too.. btw.. u didnt include.. groups like .
    a) The dopers(smokes weed everyday ... drink .. booze... party .. dont give shit about grades..listen to trance..on their 5.1!!!..
    B) the metal fans...nobody listens to nirvana.. ..yeah .. they do respect him.. but. my dear friend.. the days are gone.. its more of lamb of god.children of bodom..opeth..death..dark tranquility mention a few bands.. these days :P
    c)lp lovers..= the only listen to lp..other genre.. sounds alein to them ..("sounds alien"..ha ha )
    d)NID - a term reffered to north indian.. though i am from north too...but more of bangie ,,,
    NID - north indian dudes( as they refer themselves)
    NID - north india dickheads( as rest of the college does ) :P

    nice post btw... i still remember u used to mug.. inventions ..and things.. back in school.. nerdo.. whats wrong with u .. who remembers that AL was 16th presi ..who gives a shit ? ..

    therz another gang ,,,, in which i would put my self in ..dont know the name... u could give one . if u want to...
    we smoke,drink,do weed often,listen to metal,wear black or white,think pink is gay,so is florocent ,,green and orange,,:P , warcraft 24*7 (DOTA) ,..muuahahah awesome game ...get fucked up grades,,, borrow books day before the exams.(dont matter actualy still end up with f**ked up grades)..and.. next sem.. promise ourselfs that we would do better,, but .. at the end of the day .. we reamin the same .!!! :P

  6. sheesh... i am of the point.. i forgot it was about iit roorkeyyy!!

  7. Hmmm...First of all..A nice blog again frm GJ..
    Well done mate...
    btw...regarding option (d)...
    by going through it, I feel that u feel the BCs are "BC"s....
    As far ur comments say,it is the other way around when it comes to tennis courts,baddy n T.V rooms...I agree a lil bit to ur below mentioned comments ,but u people are no less in those things too..

    n last line is really..highly contradictory...(hehe!)...

    btw...all the species hav been aptly described...gr8 work...!!
    Cheers....federer rules!

  8. Good work Gj!!
    enjoyed reading every part of it...(exclude (d)..:)
    and btw sightings will not be exceptions when you'll try more to sight out!!

    Keep writing!!

  9. Kudos GJ!! Great work of literature...Had to read it twice to get the hold of it(bade log, bade words)...Must say one of the best I have come through...KEEP UP!!

    Mob Does Rule.

  10. Phodu GJ!!!
    I'll surely have to read your other posts as well.

  11. @9.583333 (The GPA remains the same!):
    Waise I frgot to mention this in the post...
    But u know how much I luv u...Muaaaaaaahh...
    Btw, thanx fr the appreciation.
    And stop crying about the "Mob" thing...Everybody out there knows that Oscar Wilde was the first human-being in the Milky-Way Galaxy to obtain a patent for the phrase-"The Mob Rules!"

    Bahut Bahut Dhanyavaad Netaji...And Yeah,I will take care of myself. Btw,Gunjan n Santosh r also still here...

    Thanx yaar...n as far as our category is concerned I think we narrowly miss being a part of "The Mob"(mainly because of the Project thing). But being the author of this post, and the inventor of this classification,I use my special powers (as per Section 32, Article 22 Of the Constitution of the Blah-Blah )to hereby, declare u n me as the most worthy members of "The MOB".From this day onwards, no discussion of "THE MOB" wud b complete without a reference to its most illustrious members-U n me...
    Yeah,The Mob does rule...Bow all!(Thanx again,Oscar Wilde!)

    First of all,thanx fr the oh-so-conspicuous "nice" in the beginning.

    And yeah, that Kurt Cobain thing requires some clarification. Actually I am not referring only to the Nirvana fans there, when I say-"Kal Kurt Cobain ki Punya Tithi hai" species. It represents the general category of Hardcore Rock-Music fans who worship (or pretend to worship) their idols. U can replace Kurt Cobain by any other name u like...It wud take a separate post to list down the music-interests of today's youth. And certainly u look more competent to do this job. After all, u know abt lamb of god,death tranquility,children of bodom etc. etc.(Yeah, I m makin fun of u here...;) )

    And yes, u really went off the point there...DOTA is hardly played here...North Indians are in majority and in my batch there is maybe nt even a single person whom I may call a doper...Hence the classification

    Oh yes, n there is another "nice post btw" too...
    Thanx again...

    Hats off to u,Milan...Despite being a BC urself (no pun intended!), u hv given a favourable review. And I can understand wen u give excuses there. After all, nobody likes being called a BC (Pun intended!)

  12. Brilliant post!!

    category f) is non-existent. Mr. Khanna is going to hang you by your you-know-whats for saying that :P

    And I'really admire category d) for only they can convince their minds to find Schrodinger's equation more interesting than Ana Ivanovich.

    Few more possible categories.. The haddus, The lassus, the chaatus and the 'i wont thank people for wishing me happy birthday'.. baster

    Aur tu kaunsi category mein he (ab dont say THE MOB)?
